Monday, June 11, 2012

Most Intelligent Way To Cheat In Exams...أذكى طريقة للغش بالإمتحانات

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Most Intelligent Way To Cheat In Exams

أذكى طريقة للغش بالإمتحانات 
This is really an intelligent method to Cheat in exams specially the Hard and the final exams. a student with three hands, one hand to write with it the other is to show your normal behavior that are only solving and your hands are appeared but it's really not like that because you are now using the third hand the virtual and actual hand with it you can do any thing because no one will not doubt that you are cheating.

Here in this photo you will see a student and at the first impression you will thing that he is not cheating but concentrate he has a third hand hold by it a mobile :) watch the picture and have fun with this. I'm here not talking about who to cheat at exams because it's forbidden and I'm really hate the cheaters but I told you because if you were a teacher then be ware of such of these methods.

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